Lesson 7: Masculinity

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In mainstream US and African society, there are deep-seated notions of masculinity and femininity. Moreover, for different ethnic groups, these notions are entwined with particular historical events, cultural beliefs and societal perceptions—so much so, that mainstream definitions of masculinity and femininity are very different for different ethnic groups. Definitions of masculinity pose particular challenges in African and African American communities especially in its effect on the spread of HIV/AIDS. The video module, “Masculinity,” examines how public and group perceptions of black men and masculinity have contributed to the spread of HIV/AIDS. This lesson provides the opportunity not only to examine notions of masculinity and femininity in African and African American cultures but also in other cultures and ethnic groups.

Download Materials:

PDF Downloads:
Lesson 7 – Masculinity (Grayscale)
Lesson 7 – Masculinity (Color)
Lesson 7 – Masculinity (Color Ink Saving)

Video Downloads:
MAC .m4v file
PC .wmv file