Lesson 5: Secrecy, Shame and Fear
The spread of HIV/AIDS in African and African American communities is aided and abetted by the communities’ secrecy, shame and fear about the disease and related social factors. This lesson and video module examines the ways in which secrecy, shame and fear manifest in these communities. The manifestations are sometimes apparent while other times they are subtle. In both cases, the manifestations are multifaceted in the manner in which they help the spread of HIV/AIDS. Secrecy, shame and fear are not unique to these communities and can mitigate the spread of disease in other groups of people. And we find in Lesson 20, ”The Project Ends,” that secrecy, shame and fear are looming factors in the decision to be tested for HIV.
NOTE: Contrary to the number of the lesson, Lesson 5 may serve you and your workshop participants or students better as a later lesson. The participants/students must be comfortable in discussing highly sensitive topics in this lesson. More importantly, they must be able to trust you and others in discussing these sensitive topics and possibly their own secrets.
Download Materials:
PDF Downloads:
Lesson 5 – Secrecy Shame and Fear (Grayscale)
Lesson 5 – Secrecy Shame and Fear (Color)
Lesson 5 – Secrecy Shame and Fear (Color Ink Saving)
Video Downloads:
MAC .m4v file
PC .wmv file