Lesson 11: Drugs and Prison
“It’s estimated than one out of every four people currently living with HIV has been in prison at some point in time.” This statement made in the video module does not bode well for African American and Latino males since they have a higher rate of imprisonment. This rate does not necessarily indicate that they are committing more crimes. In fact, drug use is relatively uniform among different ethnic groups however “Black males are 12 times more likely to be convicted than White males for the same drug crimes.” The video module, “Drugs and Prison,” examines the disproportionate numbers of Black males in prison and the repercussions of this disparity on the spread of HIV/AIDS in African American communities.
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PDF Downloads:
Lesson 11 – Drugs and Prison (Grayscale)
Lesson 11 – Drugs and Prison (Color)
Lesson 11 – Drugs and Prison (Color Ink Saving)
Video Downloads:
MAC .m4v file
PC .wmv file